What we do
Our Cycle of Services
The Musicant Group utilizes a holistic and systematic approach to work with organizations to plan, design and implement place-based solutions that respond to a community’s nuanced goals, assets and identity. Our full suite of services follows a cycle of People Focus vs. a Place Focus, and Constituent Focus (external) vs. Organizational Focus (internal).
1. Constituent Engagement | People Focus, Constituent Focus (External)
Discern what constituents want to experience in the place.
2. Experience Strategy | Place Focus, Constituent Focus (External)
Identify what physical features, operations, communications, events and more are needed to support desired constituent experiences.
3. Conditions of Success | Place Focus, Organizational Focus (Internal)
Continually identify, track and manage to goals and metrics of success.
4. Organizational Incentives & Accountability | People Focus, Organizational Focus (Internal)
Align internal incentives, authority & accountability, hiring & role responsibilities, & evaluation to deliver goals and conditions of success.
Through hundreds of projects, we’ve found that the culture of the organization(s) in charge is the number one determinant of a continually successful place.
We partner with you to define and achieve your goals by focusing on the dynamic relationships between people and places within your organization (internal) and the place itself (external).