Who we are
We are an interdisciplinary placemaking and public space management firm dedicated to creating places where people want to be.
What we do
We utilize a holistic and systematic approach to planning, designing and implementing place-based solutions which respond to a community’s nuanced goals, assets and identity.
Who we work with
We partner with value-centered, public, private, and nonprofit organizations and coalitions to improve their spaces and generate shared success for all involved.

Our Cycle of Services
The Musicant Group utilizes a holistic and systematic approach to work with organizations to plan, design and implement place-based solutions that respond to a community’s nuanced goals, assets and identity. Our full suite of services follows a cycle of People Focus vs. a Place Focus, and Constituent Focus (external) vs. Organizational Focus (internal).

Our Impact
annual increase in pedestrian traffic in a high-end retail district whose business association we managed
of transit riders felt safer at our pilot bus stop, Livingroom Station
of industrial park workers were more interested in coming into the office, and reported feeling happier, due to our programming
new neighbors were met, on average, by participants during our Friendly Front Yards program
“I love this space down here. I like all of the events that occur down here- even if I’m not attending I like knowing that they are occurring.”
“The Musicant Group’s social programming has been an essential ingredient to our leasing program. Their data collection and analysis of how their efforts improve an employer’s ability to attract and retain good employees is used extensively within our leasing efforts, with both new tenants and renewing tenants alike.”
- Senior Broker for Past Client Building (1 million square foot, Class A)